“Finding Inspiration in a Bag of Chips!” Heidi Feldman, Martha’s Vineyard Sea Salt

A conversation about living your life and having a business too.
Where do you get your inspiration for your latest business? Sometimes it comes in a bag of chips! Heidi Feldman not only gets her inspiration from the magical island beauty of Martha’s Vineyard, but from assessing what resources are available and working to create a life that blends the most essential items together.
A little about Martha’s Vineyard Sea Salt
Martha’s Vineyard Sea Salt is produced by husband and wife team of Heidi Feldman and Curtis Friedman, a tech consultant-turned-entrepreneurial farmer and carpenter who share a commitment to local, sustainable food production and a deep love of Martha’s Vineyard. Part geek, part farmer, and 100% able to “make meaningful conversation with wallpaper,” Heidi is co-owner with Curtis of Down Island Farm. Heidi is passionate about living local and reviving the tradition of making sea salt on Martha’s Vineyard.
To learn more about Heidi and her company, visit https://www.mvseasalt.com/
Thoughts from Heidi
- We very much try to promote our retailers through social media
- I’m proud that we have a nearly zero carbon footprint
- My business has taught me to shut up and listen!
Recommended Resource
Design/Web – Carmine Morra – carminemorra.com
SEO – Brian O’Connor – https://www.brunch.money/about
EcoBags Products Inc – Sharon Rowe – The Magic of Tiny Business
Roadfood.com for food while traveling (https://roadfood.com/)
- “You’ve got to give away that which you are not either proficient in or don’t like doing.”
- “Don’t break yourself for your business. It’s not worth it.”
- “Don’t be so shy!”